What mothers need to consider when looking for leading breast pumps

It definitely matters when it comes to choosing the right kind of breast pump. First time mothers would benefit from choosing a pump which can allow them to breastfeed with ease and is completely convenient to use. The following are some of the things to consider if you are looking for leading breast pumps.

Who can benefit from using a pump?

  • Breast pumps are essential especially for mothers whose baby  might have a latching problem. They might not be able to directly breastfeed the baby so the next best option is investing in a pump.
  • Some mothers plan to return back to work or school after the birth of the child.
  • It is also essential for mothers who give birth to premature children and might have to be separated from them
  • For mothers who plan on increasing the milk supply especially if they have given birth to twins or more babies

Buying leading breast pumps

When and what time you buy a pump actually depends upon your circumstances. If the baby is unable to nurse or if you are having difficulty feeding your baby the right way you may need to use a special hospital grade pump. However this pump would be available in the hospital for you to use while you are staying there and you can rent one until you decide that you are able to breastfeed your child again.

Mothers who plan on getting back to work they might want to consider investing in electrical pump because it allows for more cycles per minute. It can help save time and make breastfeeding a convenient option.

However you shouldn’t invest in a cheap pump. Not only is it noisy but it can even cause damage to the sensitive breast tissue. Its important to consider the warranty and the expected lifetime of the pump.

Consider the different fit options when buying a breast pump. The focus should be e on a pump which allows you to consider a nipple tunnel which is available in different sizes.

There are pumps which are available for occasional use and there are the ones which are available for regular use. For the former manual pumps are a good option because they just need to be used once a day. On the other hand a motorized pump is often chosen by mothers who are separated from their babies for a long period of time. These are quite expensive because these are run on batteries and the batteries need to be changed frequently. One benefit of these pumps is that these connect to the electrical socket is well but these are just a little bit noisy.

There are some pumps which are above the dollar 300 price range but which come with 3 year warranty. Even after you are finished using it you can easily loan it or sell it off to another mother or even recycle it for your next child.

Nursing Angel supplies breast feeding pumps. Make sure that you contact them if you want to invest in high-quality breast pump for your added comfort and convenience.

Prevent back pain during pregnancy

Lower back pain is common from the twelfth week of pregnancy, with the body’s center of gravity moving, affecting balance and posture.
Prevent back pain during pregnancy

During the first months of pregnancy, while your belly is not too bulky, you can practice exercises designed to stretch and strengthen the muscles of your back and your column , which will improve your posture and prevent the pain of back later in pregnancy.

On the other hand, when your belly has gained volume and weight, the exercises for the lower back are no longer appropriate. You will not be able to lie on your stomach any more and, starting in the fourth month, you will have to avoid lying on your back, which could put too much pressure on your blood vessels and restrict the blood supply to your body. heart and baby.

During this time, do the following exercises to strengthen your lower back and prevent back pain.

Rotation in sitting position

The rotational movement helps maintain the flexibility of the spine and alleviate muscle tension in the upper back, neck and shoulders.

  1. Sitting on a cushion on the floor, legs crossed without tension, keep your back straight. To support your legs, you can put a cushion under each of your knees.
  2. The column is straight, turn the top of your torso to the left. Put your right hand on your left thigh a little higher than your knee, and your left hand on the floor just behind you. Count to five before resuming the starting position. Do the same thing on the other side. Repeat this series 5 to 10 times.

Back flexion

This exercise is intended to increase flexibility in the lower back, which can help relieve back pain in the last months of pregnancy. If you have carpal tunnel syndrome and the hand position is uncomfortable, rely on the joints rather than the palms.

  1. Put on all fours, hands flat on the floor and knees slightly apart. Keep the neck in alignment with the spine and the back straight.
  2. Bring your head towards the chest, tighten the muscles of the buttocks and tilt your pelvis so as to arch your back slightly. Count to five and release the back. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

Back stretching

This exercise stretches the lower back and buttocks. Increase the distance between your knees as your belly grows.

  1. Get on all fours, hands right in front of your head. If necessary, support your belly with a cushion.
  2. With your hands still on the ground, bring your buttocks back on your heels. Slightly slide your hands forward to further stretch your back. Count to five and return to the starting position. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

Caution is needed

When exercising during pregnancy, it is important to keep in mind the following points:

  • Do warm up exercises before exercise and recovery afterwards. These two steps are essential to avoid injuries, which are more prone to pregnant women.

Drink a lot of liquids . During pregnancy, body temperature is higher and, as a result, the risk of dehydration increases. Drink at least two liters of water a day, plus when you exercise. Take a few sips every fifteen minutes.

  • Beginning at the 13th week, avoid lying on your back , which could interfere with the circulation, your uterus exerting pressure on the blood vessels.
  • Avoid stretches vigorous . Relaxin, a hormone that facilitates delivery, relaxes ligaments and softens joints, increasing the risk of injury. Do each of your stretches smoothly and limit the extent of your extensions.
  • Ask your doctor or midwife to suggest exercises appropriate to your condition.
  • Know how to stop : if you feel dizzy or short of breath, stop exercising immediately. If you are bleeding, have pain or contractions, see a doctor as soon as possible.

3 pregnancy tips for a first baby

It is said that when a woman is expecting a baby, she has to eat for two. Yet the actual proportion is 1.2 – that’s 300 more calories a day. To keep your baby healthy, avoid artificial sweeteners, large fish (because of the concentration of mercury in their flesh), raw sprouts, most soft cheeses, and bleeding meat, to prevent food poisoning that can lead to miscarriage. During pregnancy, 7% of women have gestational diabetes; so it’s good to eat whole grains and fruits, both high in fiber. Eat a wide variety of foods because they will bring you a variety of nutrients. Your baby’s brain needsomega-3 fatty acids : try sardines, herring and mackerel. If you’re disgusted with fish during your pregnancy, add lemon-scented fish oil by molecular distillation to your smoothies and salads – you’ll enjoy the health benefits of fish without the taste! (By contrast, avoid cod liver oil for the first three months, because it is rich in vitamin A and retinol, which can be dangerous for the baby.)

Certified nutritionist in Toronto, Julie Daniluk co-hosts the Healthy Gourmet cooking reality show on the Oprah Winfrey television network. She is the author of a book on foods that calm inflammation: Meals That Heal Inflammation .

Exercise, but in moderation

Exercise, but in moderation

Amanda Vogel, Fitness Instructor

Most women can exercise during pregnancy without any complications. Always check with your doctor or midwife. You can usually continue to exercise moderately unless you are in pain or do not feel well, but avoid contact sports and high-risk activities. The goal is to maintain your fitness, not to increase it; however, if you did not exercise before pregnancy, you can start doing it right now. Start with 15 minutes of continuous activity, such as walking or swimming, three times per week. Then go to 30 minutes four times a week. Add some light resistance training to prepare for the demands of motherhood, such as carrying a baby who is gaining weight or carrying it in the car seat. Know that elastin, a hormone released during pregnancy, makes the joints less stable and more fragile. Stop exercising on your back after 16 weeks: this can reduce blood flow to the heart and cause dizziness. That’s why you need to adjust your abdominal exercises by standing, on all fours or on an incline.

Amanda Vogel has a master’s degree in human kinetics. She lives in Vancouver where she is a certified fitness instructor. She is also the author of many books, including Baby Boot Camp: The New Mom’s 9-Minute Fitness Solution .

Every medical situation is unique. Ask your doctor for advice on what is right for you.