How to find the best occupational therapist in Gold Coast?

It can be overwhelming when you or a loved one is suffering with physical and mental challenges. There is hope though, occupational therapy can enhance and develop skills to help people live a fulfilling life.

However, there are several occupational therapists in the Gold Coast. How do you look for a therapist who is right for you?

It is essential to find the right occupational therapist. This article is a simple guide to finding someone right for your unique needs.

Why go to an occupational therapist?

Occupational therapist provides health care to individuals suffering from physical, cognitive, and mental disabilities. They help them develop and maintain the skills required to go about their daily chores.

 Occupational therapists work in several settings including hospitals and rehabilitation centers.  go for someone who specializes in the specific area where you want help.

If you are looking for help with mental issues, find a therapist who works in a mental health facility or a psychiatric hospital. On the other hand, if it is a physical injury you want to address, look for therapists in hospitals and rehabilitation centers.

Consider why you would need an occupational therapist?

Consider what you want to achieve. Whether you want to overcome mobility issues or improve cognitive function. Perhaps you want what is best for your loved ones or to help them live a full life. Write down those goals. Be specific with what you want. It will help you find an occupational therapist who specializes in what you’re looking for.

Speak with your doctor or healthcare team to get recommendations. If any friends or family members have worked with an OT in the past, they will provide valuable information.  Remember to check online directories to find certified occupational therapist in Gold Coast.

 With the list in your hand, research their qualifications and experiences. The OT should have a masters or a doctoral degree in occupational therapy which is certified. Find out if they have worked with clients with similar challenges.

 Occupational therapist provides individualized approaches for the patients. Some emphasis on physical rehabilitation while others choose a cognitive approach. There are several approaches, find one that works best for you.

Schedule a meeting with at least three or four occupational therapists to discuss your needs and goals. Assess the communication style and professionalism. An experienced OT is empathetic to their clients needs. They make them feel heard and understood.  Go for someone who explains things in a way that make sense to you.

Remember to read reviews on Google. They provide valuable insights about the occupational therapist’s reputation and what their clients feel about their professionalism.

Occupational therapy is a collaborative approach and it is crucial to find the right OT to achieve your goals. The OT will help you overcome problems and develop skills to live a healthy life.  Contact Gold Coast’s certified occupational therapist today and take a first step towards a healing journey that will improve your quality of life.

Six Reasons Why You Need To Start Seeing A Chiropractor

A chiropractor is a healthcare expert that is concerned with the diagnosis and curing of neuromuscular disorders by doing some manual manipulation on the patient’s spine. You should note that not all disorders are meant to be treated by a medical doctor, particular emphasis is on the disorders involving the spine and neuron system.

How can you tell if a particular disorder can be treated by a chiropractor? To help you understand the kinds of disorders that are curable by a chiropractor, this article has outlined the major disorders associated with neuro-muscular alignment. If you experience any of the following disorders, you need to seek immediate help from a chiropractor. Why go see a chiropractor?

Neuromuscular disorders that need a chiropractor’s aid

  • Neck and back pain

If you frequently suffer from back and neck pain, you need to seek the aid of a chiropractor to get a long-term solution. If you were recently involved in a car accident and suffer the same fate, it will be very helpful to visit a chiropractor.

  • Headache

Almost all of us experience a headache at some point in time. Headache can be caused by many things including stress, or an underlying illness. It can range from mid aches to migraines. However, if you notice that the headache has no intention of leaving you soon, you should consider visiting a chiropractor because the real problem may be deep inside you.

  • Poor digestion

An underlying neuromuscular disorder can interfere with your digestion process and cause indigestion of food. However, a chiropractor can resolve the problem by manipulating the spine to adjust to its normal position.

  • Limited range of motion

Sometimes, you might realise that your joint muscles are not moving as they used to in the past. This might be a result of an underlying neuromuscular disorder that tends to interfere with muscle movement. A chiropractor can fix such a problem.

  • Muscle pain

You may also experience muscle pain as a result of musculoskeletal alignment. You should not just go for medication immediately but first, sit down and assess the situation.  If possible, visit a chiropractor and explain to them what you are experiencing. They will give you a permanent solution rather than if you decide to use aspirin and other medications.

  • If you sit for a long period

In other instances, employees are required to sit for long durations while serving an endless number of clients. Such a person can end up retaining poor posture. This puts unnecessary pressure on your neck, shoulders, and upper back resulting in a herniated disc. It is the duty of a chiropractor to ensure that the spine is aligned properly and prevent any future problems.

Why go see a chiropractor- the cost

Chiropractors are highly trained professionals that carry out their work with utmost diligence. You will have to incur some costs while visiting chiropractors, probably higher than you would have paid to see a physician. However, chiropractors provide long-term solutions to ailments related to musculoskeletal alignment.

Furthermore, there are some chiropractors that provide their services to their clients at reasonable charges. You should not be hindered by the price when you want to see a chiropractor. In fact, you can visit them then agree on paying him in instalments until it is over. In turn, you will get a permanent solution to a problem you have been living with for years,

Treatment Chair 101: Buying a geriatric chair

The geriatric chair is also known as a geri chair and is usually suggested for the elderly to provide them with positional care. It is effective for people who suffer from limited mobility. Such elderly need to sit in a safe position to prevent any injuries. These chairs actually provide an alternative solution to hospital medical chairs.

The chairs can be adjusted in a variety of positions to give the ultimate comfort to its user. The designs are versatile and allow the elderly to use these chairs according to their specific requirements. Improper posture can often cause further injuries or worsen an already existing one. Plus people who have become weakened overtime due to previous surgery or any illness might find such a chair comforting.

These chairs cane be used in any environment, at a medical facility or even at home. The chairs are so simple to use and maneuver that these can be operated by just about anyone. There are no difficult functions or operations. Just a simple button which can help adjust the position without any problem.

However it should be kept in mind that thee chairs are designed with clinical requirements in mind and should not at any cost be confused with regular recliners. These in fact offer great deal more support and better positioning options.

The chair is designed as such that it can help prevent the pressure which often cause sores to develop. The right amount of foam allows for better circulation and prevent any kind of blockade which might result in sprain or strain. Thee chairs are also equipped with safety belts. For example if an elderly have lost their ability of balance but still require to be seated in a certain position on a daily basis, thee chairs can be life savers.

Most of these chairs feature a caster. This allows the chairs to be transported from one place to another without a problem. The back seats are fully padded and so are the armrests as well as the footrests. These features help make the chair as comfy as possible. The material from which these chairs are designed are high quality. Since these are made from hospital grade material, this makes it quite easy for these chairs to be cleaned and help maintain the hygiene.

There are chairs which offer different kind of positions. The most common being the ones which offer three positions, the upright, the elevated footrest position and a reclined position. Then there are chairs which offer infinite positions. This means these have a total freedom of any kind of position and can even be placed in the Trendelenburg position.

The next thing which should be considered is whether these chairs are manual or power operated. The latter of course cost more. While these are also more convenient but should only be bought if the budget allows. Some chairs also offer a tilt in space, which can actually help shift the pressure.

Modsel supply a range of treatment chairs. Keep all of these things in mind when buying treatment chairs.




CPR Melbourne: How to choose the right first aid course

Are you looking for a first aid course to meet the requirements for your volunteer work? The key is to find a CPPR course in Melbourne which is located near to your vicinity. This would make it easier for you to arrive for the course on time and prevent delays due to commute. Plus a course which is nearer is often a better choice for the teens and middle school children looking to learn CPR.

The following are a few things which you should consider when enrolling for CPR or first aid course in Melbourne.

Get to know if the course has an international accreditation

Make sure that the course you are attending has national accreditation. It should meet the standards which have been set up by the government. The institute which is supposed to offer the course should be recognized as well.  They should be the member of a registered training organization.

Does the course meet your requirements?

Make sure you know the name and number of the course which you are enrolling for. Then find out whether the course is comprising of skills and technique which fulfill your requirements. Take for example a teacher who specifically attends to toddlers. Their requirement would be a course which is specifically targeted towards first aid for children.

Make sure you know what people have to say about the course and the teachers

It’s always helpful to know more about the people who are teaching the course and also about the experience of previous students. This could help you analyze whether the course is the right one to attend to not. Get to know about the course y checking our reviews left by previous students. You don’t want to end up attending a class which bores the wit out of you. Attend a course which is interesting and actually helps you learn what you are aiming for.

Do they offer a flexible booking schedule?

You need to make sure that the course you plan to attend has a flexible schedule. If you are enrolling at certain time, you may find out that it’s not actually feasible for you. A course which is flexible allows you to choose other timing option.

Check out their training venue

It should be kept in mind that the training venue would have a major impact on the budget. Some venues tend to be a bit far from the actual parking space. You might need to walk a distance and even pay for the parking. Sometimes parking charges can be around $20to $30.

Also check out how many instructors are there for a certain number of students. The right ratio should be one teacher for every fifteen to twenty students. Anything more than that is something which would make it difficult for the students to benefit from the course.

You can gather some of the information through online research but you can also gather information by calling different CPR training institutes in Melbourne. CPR Melbourne by Emergency is a training centre that you can visit for more information regarding its courses.

Counselling Services in Gold Coast

Quality counseling requires a safe, relaxing, and peaceful space for people to feel comfortable and relaxed to discuss many of the issues they are experiencing. At Gold Coast Counselling services, they strive to create a safe, supportive and relaxing environment for clients to feel comfortable to express themselves freely without fear of judgment. It is important to them that their clients feel listened to and understood. It is therefore essential that you find a counselor who makes you feel comfortable, relaxed and supported. One who is genuine and compassionate and who understands the issues with which you are facing. In case you are looking to find counseling services in Gold Coast it is important that they are specialized.

A quality counselor is a therapist who uses evidence combined with a heightened intuition to efficiently identify the cause of the issue with which you are facing. They are also skilled in communicating and articulating ideas outside your awareness to you in a way that doesn’t make you feel threatened or judged. They are also experienced in communicating and articulating ideas outside your perception to you in a way that doesn’t make you feel threatened or judged. They are then able to recommend the best treatment plan that suits your individual needs and which will lead you to the most successful and satisfying outcome.

They have all struggled to find the answer to problems at various times in our lives. The fast-paced lifestyle of today’s society can take its toll on people’s mental, emotional and physical health, and one can easily lose touch with that deeper connection to their best selves. Their emotional and mental well-being can sometimes be pushed to the wayside in an attempt to keep up with the demands placed on us from work, family and other responsibilities. But what’s important to remember, is that their mental health and emotional well-being is vital for enabling them to meet those demands.

Sometimes it can be challenging to identify the underlying root cause of the issue you are facing, especially if you’ve been living with the symptoms for a long time. An effective therapist will see the symptoms as a clue to a deeper underlying cause such as a dysfunctional thought pattern or belief that you are holding onto about yourself. They are passionate about helping people to understand how the experiences in their lives have shaped one’s beliefs and perceptions and how this influences the way they relate to the world around them. Addressing the cause is the key to creating permanent and long-lasting change.

Through the process of reflective listening, they can help clients reveal the answers from within themselves to help bring problems into perspective, making them seem more manageable and easier to cope with. They aim to foster and nurture the client’s own strengths and abilities, supporting them to feel confident, empowered and more in control of their lives. When a person feels supported, cared for and understood, they can naturally find the solutions themselves and as a result, build resilience.

At Gold Coast counselling services they are there to help clients make the necessary changes and transitions within their journey of growth and development, as comfortable as possible. They are dedicated to helping people find more positive, creative, and practical ways to enhance their lifestyle and challenge self-defeating beliefs and behaviours. Make an appointment today, and discover a new you.


Finding a Mental Health Clinic in Gold Coast

Are you looking for a mental health clinic in Gold Coast? In order to get the right treatment it is necessary to go to the right psychiatrist. If you or anyone you know is suffering from mental trauma, depression or anxiety, seeking help at a mental health clinic can help solve the problem.

Keep the following things in mind when seeking help at a mental health clinic.

  • When seeking a mental health clinic in Gold Coast get to know what kind of services do they offer on an outpatient basis?
  • If it a private clinic or one which is run by community services or the government. The kind of services you get in each might differ. Also a privately run clinic would charge you more fee then one run by the community or the government.
  • A clinic compromises of both therapists as well as psychiatrists. After an initial first consultation you might be referred to either or maybe if you need to see both you would be given an appointment for the exact help that you need.
  • Also a clinic would compromise of psychiatrists or therapists who specialise in a certain treatment method. If you have already been referred for a particular therapy you need to find a clinic where you can get the right kind of help. Make sure you have a referral to get immediate help.

While checking into a clinic might not seem like a big deal, the following tips would help you find a clinic immediately.

  • You can start by contacting the local Gold Coast mental health facilities.
  • A talk with the family physician would be helpful as well. If they find you need psychiatric help, they would refer you to the right therapist.
  • Regional health agencies can be a good source of help as well.
  • Also check with the local search engines to see any mental health clinics registered in Gold Coast

There are times when a person might need to be referred to a psychiatrist immediately if you fear that someone you know might be thinking about attempting suicide make sure you call the local helpline to get the right guidance and what you can do to keep that person safe.

Depression I a severe condition which should be left unchecked or untreated. If you find someone in your circle who is going through abrupt mood swings or who is talking about taking their own life, never ignore these warning signs. Your timely intervention could actually help save a life.

Finding the right mental health clinic in Gold Coast is easy when you keep all of the above information in mind. Choose a therapist with whom you feel comfortable. Keep in mind that you would be sharing your thoughts and feelings with a psychiatrist. If you feel you are comfortable with them, go ahead and book another appointment. You have the complete right to choose whom you would like to go to for help.

Prevent back pain during pregnancy

Lower back pain is common from the twelfth week of pregnancy, with the body’s center of gravity moving, affecting balance and posture.
Prevent back pain during pregnancy

During the first months of pregnancy, while your belly is not too bulky, you can practice exercises designed to stretch and strengthen the muscles of your back and your column , which will improve your posture and prevent the pain of back later in pregnancy.

On the other hand, when your belly has gained volume and weight, the exercises for the lower back are no longer appropriate. You will not be able to lie on your stomach any more and, starting in the fourth month, you will have to avoid lying on your back, which could put too much pressure on your blood vessels and restrict the blood supply to your body. heart and baby.

During this time, do the following exercises to strengthen your lower back and prevent back pain.

Rotation in sitting position

The rotational movement helps maintain the flexibility of the spine and alleviate muscle tension in the upper back, neck and shoulders.

  1. Sitting on a cushion on the floor, legs crossed without tension, keep your back straight. To support your legs, you can put a cushion under each of your knees.
  2. The column is straight, turn the top of your torso to the left. Put your right hand on your left thigh a little higher than your knee, and your left hand on the floor just behind you. Count to five before resuming the starting position. Do the same thing on the other side. Repeat this series 5 to 10 times.

Back flexion

This exercise is intended to increase flexibility in the lower back, which can help relieve back pain in the last months of pregnancy. If you have carpal tunnel syndrome and the hand position is uncomfortable, rely on the joints rather than the palms.

  1. Put on all fours, hands flat on the floor and knees slightly apart. Keep the neck in alignment with the spine and the back straight.
  2. Bring your head towards the chest, tighten the muscles of the buttocks and tilt your pelvis so as to arch your back slightly. Count to five and release the back. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

Back stretching

This exercise stretches the lower back and buttocks. Increase the distance between your knees as your belly grows.

  1. Get on all fours, hands right in front of your head. If necessary, support your belly with a cushion.
  2. With your hands still on the ground, bring your buttocks back on your heels. Slightly slide your hands forward to further stretch your back. Count to five and return to the starting position. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

Caution is needed

When exercising during pregnancy, it is important to keep in mind the following points:

  • Do warm up exercises before exercise and recovery afterwards. These two steps are essential to avoid injuries, which are more prone to pregnant women.

Drink a lot of liquids . During pregnancy, body temperature is higher and, as a result, the risk of dehydration increases. Drink at least two liters of water a day, plus when you exercise. Take a few sips every fifteen minutes.

  • Beginning at the 13th week, avoid lying on your back , which could interfere with the circulation, your uterus exerting pressure on the blood vessels.
  • Avoid stretches vigorous . Relaxin, a hormone that facilitates delivery, relaxes ligaments and softens joints, increasing the risk of injury. Do each of your stretches smoothly and limit the extent of your extensions.
  • Ask your doctor or midwife to suggest exercises appropriate to your condition.
  • Know how to stop : if you feel dizzy or short of breath, stop exercising immediately. If you are bleeding, have pain or contractions, see a doctor as soon as possible.

3 pregnancy tips for a first baby

It is said that when a woman is expecting a baby, she has to eat for two. Yet the actual proportion is 1.2 – that’s 300 more calories a day. To keep your baby healthy, avoid artificial sweeteners, large fish (because of the concentration of mercury in their flesh), raw sprouts, most soft cheeses, and bleeding meat, to prevent food poisoning that can lead to miscarriage. During pregnancy, 7% of women have gestational diabetes; so it’s good to eat whole grains and fruits, both high in fiber. Eat a wide variety of foods because they will bring you a variety of nutrients. Your baby’s brain needsomega-3 fatty acids : try sardines, herring and mackerel. If you’re disgusted with fish during your pregnancy, add lemon-scented fish oil by molecular distillation to your smoothies and salads – you’ll enjoy the health benefits of fish without the taste! (By contrast, avoid cod liver oil for the first three months, because it is rich in vitamin A and retinol, which can be dangerous for the baby.)

Certified nutritionist in Toronto, Julie Daniluk co-hosts the Healthy Gourmet cooking reality show on the Oprah Winfrey television network. She is the author of a book on foods that calm inflammation: Meals That Heal Inflammation .

Exercise, but in moderation

Exercise, but in moderation

Amanda Vogel, Fitness Instructor

Most women can exercise during pregnancy without any complications. Always check with your doctor or midwife. You can usually continue to exercise moderately unless you are in pain or do not feel well, but avoid contact sports and high-risk activities. The goal is to maintain your fitness, not to increase it; however, if you did not exercise before pregnancy, you can start doing it right now. Start with 15 minutes of continuous activity, such as walking or swimming, three times per week. Then go to 30 minutes four times a week. Add some light resistance training to prepare for the demands of motherhood, such as carrying a baby who is gaining weight or carrying it in the car seat. Know that elastin, a hormone released during pregnancy, makes the joints less stable and more fragile. Stop exercising on your back after 16 weeks: this can reduce blood flow to the heart and cause dizziness. That’s why you need to adjust your abdominal exercises by standing, on all fours or on an incline.

Amanda Vogel has a master’s degree in human kinetics. She lives in Vancouver where she is a certified fitness instructor. She is also the author of many books, including Baby Boot Camp: The New Mom’s 9-Minute Fitness Solution .

Every medical situation is unique. Ask your doctor for advice on what is right for you.