During the first months of pregnancy, while your belly is not too bulky, you can practice exercises designed to stretch and strengthen the muscles of your back and your column , which will improve your posture and prevent the pain of back later in pregnancy.
On the other hand, when your belly has gained volume and weight, the exercises for the lower back are no longer appropriate. You will not be able to lie on your stomach any more and, starting in the fourth month, you will have to avoid lying on your back, which could put too much pressure on your blood vessels and restrict the blood supply to your body. heart and baby.
During this time, do the following exercises to strengthen your lower back and prevent back pain.
Rotation in sitting position
The rotational movement helps maintain the flexibility of the spine and alleviate muscle tension in the upper back, neck and shoulders.
- Sitting on a cushion on the floor, legs crossed without tension, keep your back straight. To support your legs, you can put a cushion under each of your knees.
- The column is straight, turn the top of your torso to the left. Put your right hand on your left thigh a little higher than your knee, and your left hand on the floor just behind you. Count to five before resuming the starting position. Do the same thing on the other side. Repeat this series 5 to 10 times.
Back flexion
This exercise is intended to increase flexibility in the lower back, which can help relieve back pain in the last months of pregnancy. If you have carpal tunnel syndrome and the hand position is uncomfortable, rely on the joints rather than the palms.
- Put on all fours, hands flat on the floor and knees slightly apart. Keep the neck in alignment with the spine and the back straight.
- Bring your head towards the chest, tighten the muscles of the buttocks and tilt your pelvis so as to arch your back slightly. Count to five and release the back. Repeat 5 to 10 times.
Back stretching
This exercise stretches the lower back and buttocks. Increase the distance between your knees as your belly grows.
- Get on all fours, hands right in front of your head. If necessary, support your belly with a cushion.
- With your hands still on the ground, bring your buttocks back on your heels. Slightly slide your hands forward to further stretch your back. Count to five and return to the starting position. Repeat 5 to 10 times.
Caution is needed
When exercising during pregnancy, it is important to keep in mind the following points:
- Do warm up exercises before exercise and recovery afterwards. These two steps are essential to avoid injuries, which are more prone to pregnant women.
Drink a lot of liquids . During pregnancy, body temperature is higher and, as a result, the risk of dehydration increases. Drink at least two liters of water a day, plus when you exercise. Take a few sips every fifteen minutes.
- Beginning at the 13th week, avoid lying on your back , which could interfere with the circulation, your uterus exerting pressure on the blood vessels.
- Avoid stretches vigorous . Relaxin, a hormone that facilitates delivery, relaxes ligaments and softens joints, increasing the risk of injury. Do each of your stretches smoothly and limit the extent of your extensions.
- Ask your doctor or midwife to suggest exercises appropriate to your condition.
- Know how to stop : if you feel dizzy or short of breath, stop exercising immediately. If you are bleeding, have pain or contractions, see a doctor as soon as possible.